Balandra Basin – Hidden Gems

Balandra Basin

Balandra Cove

Located on the northeastern coast of Trinidad between Salybia and Rampanalgas is a small cove know as Balandra.

The name Balandra is a Spanish word that means Yacht, and in early times, the tranquil waters provided a safe location for Spanish Sailboats.

Filled with rich natural resources the area has capitalized on agriculture, fishing and resorts.

It is a perfect spot for sea-bathers as it is shelter from the elements.

Balandra Basin

The Balandra forest located opposite to the bay at Alcindor’s Trace, has vegetation consists mainly of Mora (Mora Excelsa). In the 1960’s, loggers exploited the land creating a network of forest trails. Many of these footpaths lead to captivating rivers and waterfalls and extend all the way to Rio Seco and surrounding villages.

The river, which flows, through the valley contains numerous pools of varying width and depth, the two most popular are know as the Balandra Basin.

Hike to the Basin

The trek to the Basins will take about thirty minutes and starts at Alcindor Trace. The hike begins with a short walk across multiple small hills to the cleared land behind what seems to be private land.

Balandra Basin

From here you can access the river at two points, climbing the path on the right will take you to the basin at the top of hill. The path on the left takes you to the lower river, rocky scenery great for taking photos.

The basin at the top is deep and surrounded by rocks, a comfortable spot to sit and revel in the beautiful scenery.

Its crystals clear waters appear emerald green in the tree-filtered sunlight, and playing hide and seek between the rocks are the numerous crayfish.

Further up the river is another pool, which over the years has become another deep, and wide pool.

Balandra Basin

Another great place for swimmers, and for enjoying the scenery as the sunlight peeps through the tall trees above.

An easy hike to a marvelous destination, another natural attraction.

Google map showing trail and location.