Fort Campbleton � Charlotteville

Fort Campbleton

Fort Campbleton

�Perched at the top of an unassuming hill you will find the Campbleton Battery, it should not be confused with the island�s many forts.

Campbleton is one of many batteries erected around the island, their main purpose was to help protect shipping in the various bays where sugar was loaded.

Campbleton was erected in 1777 with battery of two canons to help protect the island from American privateers who were raiding the British islands during the American War of Independence.


The short path leading to the turnstile entrance of the battery does prepare you for panoramic view, which is nothing less than stunning on a clear day.

Lookouts from the point would signal using mirrors if ships were spotted coming from the north.

This gave the militia time to get their canons and artillery ready for battle.

Today, the battery offers beautiful views of Man-O-War Bay, Charlotteville and Pirate�s Bay.�

  • Taken from the signage at the fort


Fort Campbleton
Fort Campbleton

Charlotteville History


Charlotteville�is a village lying on the northeastern tip of�Tobago�on�Man-o-War Bay.

The history of the village is closely linked to sugar farming, and Charlotteville’s harbor was also of importance for the town’s development.

In more recent times fishing has been important for Charlotteville’s economy.

Charlotteville has one of the few remaining�tamboo�bamboo bands in which rhythms are produced by banging�bamboo�on the ground.


This originated in�slavery�times when slaves were not allowed to play musical instruments.

There are a few small restaurants no large hotels, there are only a few small guesthouses and apartments to rent.

There is a beach in the village and Pirate’s Bay is twenty minutes’ walk along a track.

Fort Campbleton
Fort Campbleton

Road Trip

A road trip to Charlottesville is recommended, it�s a very scenic drive along the coastline.

It�s an hour thirty-minute drive from Scarborough but worth every minute of it.

The road is windy but well maintained, and you will pass through multiple villages on your way.

Charlotteville is nice and peaceful, the beach is calm, and the people are friendly.


You can visit the beach resort or take the hike or a boat to pirate�s bay or visit the Fort at the top of the hill.

Fort Campbleton has an amazing view of the Man-o-War Bay, and it is well maintained.

There is an area to sit and relax while taking in the view of the bay.

The scenery is picture-perfect overlooking the bay and the small islands in it.

Fort Campbleton
Fort Campbleton


Google map showing trail and location.