Shark River – River Lime Delight

Shark River

Shark Riv­er

Is lo­cat­ed in the North­ern Range be­tween the vil­lages of Matelot and Grand Riv­iere.

In 2004 it had de­clared part of the Matu­ra Na­tion­al Park’s, En­vi­ron­men­tal­ly Sen­si­tive Area (ESA) by the EMA.

The park has an area of 9,000 hectares, which in­cludes the wa­ter­sheds of Rio Seco, Saly­bia, To­co and Matelot.


The nat­ur­al veg­e­ta­tion of Mo­ra for­est pro­vides a wel­com­ing habi­tat to a va­ri­ety of wildlife.

These In­clud­e deers, ocelots, por­cu­pines, howler mon­keys and the crit­i­cal­ly en­dan­gered Pawi.

Shark River

The river got its name from sharks, that use to enter the mouth of the river at high tide.

This has not occurred for some time and it is safe to swim in the beautiful water.

Shark River is beautiful river destination that is ideal for a good river lime.

With many shallow spots for wading complemented by deep crystal clear pools for swimming, it is a river that everyone can enjoy.


The clarity of the water is astounding and in deep areas, the surrounding lush vegetation gives the water an amazing emerald green tinge.

On week­ends the area be­neath the bridge, with it’s crys­tal clear pools is a pop­u­lar camp­ing des­ti­na­tion.

Shark River

Shark River is also equipped with concrete seating, portable facilities and tables.

Making it the ultimate destination for a river lime.

For nature lovers

The more adventurous can explore upstream where you will discover various pools, gorges and waterfalls.

Once riv­er con­di­tions are favorable there is also the op­tion to ex­plore be­yond the wa­ter­fall.

The riv­er has erod­ed the land­scape with such per­fec­tion to carve a ver­ti­cal wall, a stunning attraction.


The natural phenomenon located three miles up­stream known as The Wall.

This can on­ly be ac­cessed by climb­ing over gi­ant boul­ders and wa­ter­falls and is on­ly rec­om­mend­ed for ex­pe­ri­enced hik­ers.