Sapphire falls would be by far the easiest waterfall destination I have been thus far in Trinidad. This waterfall caught my attention recently when itRead More
Sapphire falls would be by far the easiest waterfall destination I have been thus far in Trinidad. This waterfall caught my attention recently when itRead More
Acono Waterfall and Gorge is nestled in the forest of the Acono village, it is accessible by a short hike through the forest and river.
Lalaja waterfall is by far one of the more beautiful destinations I have be too so far and the journey begins in the deserted LalajaRead More
Another popular spot found in Gran Couva on the central range is that of The Barrel. Not as popular and not so much the prideRead More
One of the few and most popular waterfall found in the central range of Trinidad is that of Carmelita. Some call it the pride ofRead More
One of the more popular attractions of Tobago is that the Argyle falls. Standing at a height of fifty-four meters it is the highest waterfallRead More
Maracas Waterfall is one of the more popular destinations in Trinidad, being one of the tallest waterfalls with a very scenic atmosphere. It a shortRead More
Found deep in the Guanapo forest, there are many wonders to be found one being the Tombasson Waterfall. Guanapo is known for its gorges, riversRead More
Aripo Lower Waterfall Aripo heights is a wondrous place filled with many sites to see and a lot of history, including the lower Aripo waterfall.Read More
Blue Basin Waterfall is an easily accessible waterfall with Basin below found in Diego Martin. The river that flows into the basin, originates from a remoteRead More
Guanapo Gorges The Guanapo Gorge, located in the heights of Guanapo is one of the most breath-taking places to explore. Its source comes from theRead More
Brasso Seco The name comes from Spainsh Dialect, which means “Dry-Branch”. Hidden in the Northern Range of Trinidad’s rainforest, Brasso Seco is an eco-visitor’s dream,Read More